
This test checks if a website has a feed. A feed gives a websites visitors the ability to subscribe to updates of the content with an aggregator.

Why do we test for this?

Feeds are used on the web to notify users of updates to a website. The visitors use a feed reader (otherwise known as an aggregator), which reads all the feeds they subscribe to and displays them in one place. Feed readers come in many forms, A feed is good because it allows visitors who are interested in a site to get updates delivered to them, encouraging them to return to the website when they see something that interests them.

You can read more about feeds on Wikipedia.

How do we test for this?

We check for a properly linked feed in the head of your page (see the example below). Modern browsers will display feeds linked to in this way by adding an RSS icon in the address bar. Many people just include a link to the RSS feed in the body of the page, but that isn't the best way to do it and we don't detect feeds linked to in this way.

What can I do about it?

If you have regularly updating content, these days a feed is a must-have. There is no set topic for a feed, but most sites choose to have a feed of their news or blog. Many blog platforms (e.g. Wordpress) and website management systems will generate a feed for you automatically. If you already have a feed, make sure its linked to in the head of your document using this syntax:

<link title="My RSS Feed" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://www.mydomain.com/feed.rss" />