Nibbler SEO audit for


The overall score for this website.


How accessible the website is to mobile and disabled users.

The following tests contribute to this score:


How satisfying the website is likely to be for users.


How well marketed, and popular the website is.


How well designed and built the website is.

Nibbler tested a sample of 5 pages from this website at 08:27 on 29 Mar 2024 (GMT).

Top priorities for website improvement

  • Check how the website looks using a mobile and a tablet. Consider adding mobile-only styling using media queries. Some websites employ other techniques for mobile visitors which we cannot currently detect. (read more)
  • Consider a leading website analytics solution, such as WebTrends or Google Analytics. (read more)
  • Define meaningful headings for all webpages. This is likely to help this website's search engine placement and assist visitors in navigating content. (read more)


This website does not appear to be associated with a Twitter account.

  • This website did not contain a link to Twitter.
    • Sign up for a Twitter account and make sure it is linked to from your site.


0% of pages use analytics

No Analytics SolutionNo

  • None of this website is using any recognised analytics software. It is still possible to gather a great deal of information from webserver logs, however complete visitor analysis requires client-side Javascript or an image not found here.
    • Consider a leading website analytics solution, such as WebTrends or Google Analytics.
  • Note that this test can only detect recognised analytics solutions. If an analytics solution is new, obscure or used in a non-standard way (e.g. it has been customised) it may not be detected.


adatkezel adatok anyak arch aszt atok benzink beszerz bizotts biztos civil dokument dokumentumai elad enged enys etkezet fennmarad fogad gazd gazdas geszteny helyek helyi hirdet hivatal igazgat inform ingatlanok jegyz jogi kirendelts korm kutak lalkoz ltal megel menetrend mond morzs napj nemzetis nkorm npess nyomtatv otthona oztat recsk recski rendezv rendj roma sport szervezetek szervezeti szoci szolg tart telep test thet turizmus visel vonatkoz yekr yint yirodai yvez yzat yzati

  • A large number (80.0%) of pages do not use defined headings. This means that users and search engines may find it harder to determine the content of this website's pages. Correctly defined headings aid accessibility and are particularly important for search engine optimisation.
    • Define meaningful headings for all webpages. This is likely to help this website's search engine placement and assist visitors in navigating content.

Page headings detail

URLHeadingLevelチLASZTチSI INFORMチCIモKH1チltal疣os adatkezel駸i t疔駝oztat?/h1> Adatkezel駸i t疔駝oztat 2023. Telep?駸 ヨnkorm疣yzat Helyi ?korm疣yzati v疝aszt疽 dokumentumai 2019. K駱visel test?et Dokument當i? Int騷m駭yek El駻het?馮 Recski H?mond 駸 H?morzs疚 P疝y痙atok Elad ?korm疣yzati ingatlanok K?beszerz駸 ヨnkorm疣yzati Hivatal A 2016. j?ius 4. napj疸 megel??n enged駘y n駘k? l騁es?ett v?kiv騁elt biztos? v?i l騁es?m駭yek (kutak) v?jogi fennmarad疽i enged駘yez駸i elj疵疽a Recski K?? ヨnkorm疣yzati Hivatal T疔駝oztat a Recski K?? ヨnkorm疣yzati Hivatal 駸 a P騁erv疽疵ai J疵疽i Hivatal Recski Kirendelts馮駭ek ?yf駘fogad疽i rendj駻?, el駻het?馮駻? 駸 az int騷het ?yekr? (let?thet nyomtatv疣yok) T疔駝oztat okm疣yirodai ?yint騷駸r? Szoci疝is ?yek Anyak?yvez駸, npess馮ny?v疣tart疽 M??駸i enged駘y, Telephely enged駘yez駸 ノp?駸?y Igazgat疽i ?yek Ad?gyek Gyermekv馘elmi t疥ogat疽 Roma Nemzetis馮i ヨnkorm疣yzat Recsk Szervezeti adatok Tev駝enys馮, m??駸 Gazd疝kod疽i adatok Recski Telep?駸i ノrt駝t疵 Bizotts疊 Recski Telep?駸i ノrt駝t疵 Bizotts疊 jegyz??yve 2018. Recski Telep?駸i ノrt駝t疵 Bizotts疊i jegyz??yve 2016. Recski Telep?駸i ノrt駝t疵 Bizotts疊 jegyz??yve 2015. Turizmus L疸nival? Sz疝l疽helyek Vend馮l疸 helyek Civil szervezetek B??疊on nem jegyzett csoportok, klubok B??疊on bejegyzett civil szervezetek Gazdas疊 V疝lalkoz疽ok Inform當i? Okm疣yiroda Rend?s馮 Recski Polg疵? Egyes?et Vagyonv馘elem Orvosi rendel? Gy?yszert疵 Postahivatal OTP Bank Rt. Recski Fi? Takar駝sz?etkezet MOL benzink? Menetrend Geszteny駸 Id?ek Otthona K??emi szolg疝tat? CBA チruh痙 COOP 疵uh痙 Egyh痙i h?ek Sport Recsk K?ny駝i Junior Torna Klub Hirdet駸ek チll疽hirdet駸ek V疝lalkoz疽ok hirdetm駭yei K?駻dek adatok I. Szervezeti, szem駘yi adatok II. Tev駝enys馮re, m??駸re vonatkoz adatok III. Gazd疝kod疽i adatok E-ワgyint騷駸 Arch?um H?馮riaszt疽ra vonatkoz t疔駝oztat? HユSノGRIADモ II. FOKOZAT Adventi rendezv駭yek 2011.H1ヨnkorm疣yzatH1ヨnkorm疣yzati HivatalH1 Nemzetis馮i ヨnkorm疣yzat RecskH1 Telep?駸i ノrt駝t疵 Bizotts疊H1 szervezetekH1疊H1當i?H1駸ekH1駻dek adatokH1>H1 h?ekH1


0% of pages are optimised for printing

Meta tags2.0

Meta Tags (http-equiv attribute)

Page URLNameContent; charset=iso-8859-2; charset=iso-8859-2; charset=iso-8859-2; charset=iso-8859-2; charset=iso-8859-2


Mobile screenshot of www.recsk.huTablet screenshot of
  • None of this website appears to be fully optimised for viewing on a mobile or tablet (using CSS media queries). It is important to make sure your content can be viewed easily across a wide range of devices as a growing percentage of web browsing is now done on phones and tablets.
  • This website was found to use elements of Adobe Flash. Flash is commonly used to add interactivity or video to a website, but it can only be viewed on devices which have the Flash plugin. The Flash plugin is not available to many mobile phones and tablets so they cannot view Flash content. Additionally, web spiders like Google also have problems spidering Flash based content, so heavy use of Flash may not be good for SEO.
    • Consider the use of Flash carefully. Where possible, change elements made in Flash for HTML equivalents. If this is not possible, try and provide a Flash alternative.

Media specific CSS detected

MediaMin widthMax widthCSS file

URL format5.2

  • 3 URLs are particularly hard to type or remember.
    • Consider URL rewriting as an effective and transparent means of creating appropriate URLs. URLs using unusual characters (such as semi-colons or underscores), long numerals or complex phrasing are very difficult for real people to use or exchange. They also tend to be less favoured by search engines. Wherever possible ensure web addresses are 'human readable' - i.e. they should be easy to read, remember and type. In particular, avoid the use of obscure characters (including the underscore, which is not widely understood by non-technical users, or particularly memorable) and long numerals, e.g.
  • 2 URLs are 'dirty'. 'Dirty' URLs include one or more parameters after a question mark (e.g., instead of a clean URL (e.g. Dirty URLs should generally be avoided wherever possible - they are almost impossible for human beings to remember, may expose the technology of the website to hackers and can confuse search engines among other problems. Their use is sometimes necessary for specific applications, and acceptable in small amounts.
  • 1 URLs include a file extension.
    • Avoid use of file extensions wherever possible. File extensions appear at the end of web addresses, and have several negative effects. They make the address harder to remember or type (particularly for non-technical users), and can reveal the underlying technology of the website making it very slightly more vulnerable to hackers. They also tie the implementation of the website to a specific technology, which can make subsequent migration of URLs difficult. Consider URL rewriting as an effective and transparent means of creating appropriate URLs.

      Page extensions

  • 40.0% of URLs include an ID query parameter (e.g.
    • Avoid use of any query parameter ending in id, e.g. 'sessionid;' Google explicitly states that it will not include pages with this format in their index. Consider URL rewriting as an effective and transparent means of creating appropriate URLs.


Last updated December 8, 2023

  • It looks like this website was last updated on Friday, 8 December 2023. Visitors perceive up-to-date websites as more credible. Websites that are updated regularly are also spidered by search engines more often.
    • Consider updating this website regularly with new content.
  • To find this information we used the last modified dates reported by this website's server in addition to looking for dates written on each page.

All dates found

20/12/ modified header
20/12/ modified header
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14/01/ modified header

Amount of content8.8

Rendering Chart...

  • This website has an average of 773 words per page. The amount of content on a website has been shown to correlate with its search engine ranking.

Server behaviour9.0

Yes404 page


  • This website handles missing pages correctly by sending a 404 HTTP status code.
  • This website was served with GZIP encoding. This is very good because it reduces the loading time of a web page.
  • This website returns page content with or without a trailing slash on the URLs. Search engines might see these as separate pages with duplicate content which they could penalise for.
  • This website uses a temporary (HTTP 302) redirect from to This is OK, but a permanent (HTTP 301) redirect is considered best practice.
    • If possible, change the temporary redirect to a permanent (HTTP 301) redirect.


16% of images have a clearly defined size

28 images are being resized by the browser

Page titles10.0

100% of pages have defined titles

0% of page titles are weak

  • All pages were found to use page titles appropriately. Page titles appear in search results and at the top of the browser's window when visiting the site. Appropriate page titles are particularly important for search engine optimisation.


  • Sorry, it was not possible to determine the popularity for this website.

Source: Ahrefs

Domain agei

  • Sorry, we cannot check the domain age of .hu websites.

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Tests 17 fixed tests 50+ testsCovers SEO, SEM, Google My Business, reviews, social media and much more
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Export & shareNoPDF & link
Lead generationNoEmbed on your site
Competitor auditsNoYes
Test as a batchNoYes
Integrations + APINoYes
Multi-lingualNo20+ languages
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